Box 16, 110 Rea Street Dunrea, MB R0K 0S0
Building Inspector/Development Officer ph: (204)523-2080 email:
Office Manager/Treasurer ph: (204)537-2722 email:
Office open by appointment
A subdivision is the division of a parcel of land described on a Certificate of Title. A subdivision can occur when a single land title is split into two or more parts, property boundaries are rearranged, or where a lease, mortgage or other instrument that has the effect of subdividing the parcel is to be registered in land titles. The subdivision process is administered by MB Community Regional Planning. Contact their office in Brandon by phone to begin the subdivision process. 1(204)726-6267.
Please submit the Subdivision Application to the Brandon Community & Regional Planning Office.
Unit 1B, 2010 Currie Blvd
Brandon, MB
Please note that the subdivision fees listed in the Application Guide have be updated. The fees listed in the Application are the current fees as of January 1, 2021.